This t-shirt dress was actually a little too long for my taste, but I made it work by adjusting the length! See that knot? That knot changed the look completely! I went from looking like I was wearing a super tall unflattering tee to "Mrs. Sorta-Kinda Long Legs!" Pairing short dresses or shorts with a shoe that hugs your ankles and elevates you, gives the look of longer and toned legs! *check out those calves* I really enjoyed putting this look together for you all! This outfit was a last minute decision, since my first option was not really working out.
Have any additional tips for short gals? Let me know in the comments down below!
T-shirt Dress & Boots: Forever 21
Denim Jacket: A'GACI Clothing
Lipstick: Dose of Colors | DESIxKATY | Saváge
Note: I will link affordable replicas of this look down below!
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